Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My scifi Sequel, the youth are in charge

I'm almost there, The Universe Calls, has 51,000 words. All I need is a; edit, rewrite, cover, format, proof read a copy, fix proof another copy, moments of doubt and I'm there.
In my sequel, like in the first book, the youth of the world are in charge of the planet. Its eaiser to run the planet now 3/4 of the population has been killed by the invading aliens. There are plenty of resources to go around but there is this Galactic war thing. The front lines now crossed through Earth's solar system.  Traditional racialism has dissapeared on Earth.  After the alien invasion you are Human or alien from now on.  Its amazing what Humans can do when they work togeather.
The youth adapt quickly. Its tougher now defending Earth than it use to be going to a regular school but you could end up flying an Ancient Aderain Space fighter. Considered one of the most deadlest weapons in the known universe. That is if the Aderain Space fighter chooses you to be its captain.
Most Aderain space fighters are at least a thousand years old. Born in a laboratory it lives its first twenty years as a house computer for any common family. The family raises the computer like it is it's own child.  Then the Aderain computer program moves to a military college where it learns tactics and how to fly. When its deemed ready it is transfered into the ultimate, smooth egg shaped, space fighter with all the tricks to the trade and a little bit more.
The youngest Aderain space fighter is a thousand years old because thats when the Aderain home planet was taken by surprised by the invading Titans. The only Aderain fighters that survived were the ones out of the solar system during the invasion. The only good things to come out of the Aderain civilizations destruction was the Titans never got hold of the secrets of building the Aderain Space Fighter and the surviving Aderain fighters exist to destroy the Titans.

Award winning Scifi novel

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Hero in All of Us

Most of the characters in my scifi novel are people I grew up with or became friends with in real life. This made describing the characters in the book eaiser. I know how my friends would react in different situations, what they would say or how their body would move during a conversation.
Now my friends might not like the responsiblity I put on them in my award wining scifi novel, traveling to another planet and training to fight the aliens that invaded earth but..., well I'm the author so there. Thats what happens when the last one pick in stick ball becomes a scifi writer, you never know.
My friends need not worry. Because I know underneath all that, "busting my chops" type of stuff they are the best and purest of souls. When so called common, hard working people are put in different and tough circumstances they really shine and save the day. They know the meaning of self sacrifice, honor and courage. They just don't wear it on their sleeve. True, great leaders and heros are forced into the situation and do not look for fame and glory. They would rather stay a fireman, policeman, doctor, nurse, teacher but once they're called on they know they can't go back.
If your looking for a hero for your book, try looking to your right, there siting right there.
Matt T. Schott
Lord Skyler and The Earth Defense Force
winner of the 2010 best scifi/horror novel at New York City DIY Book Festival
available at most online book stores, kindle & paper back

Friday, June 24, 2011

Coloring in the details of my novel

I'm at the "coloring in stage" of my sequel to Lord Skyler and The Earth Defense Force.   The name of the sequel is The Universe Calls.

The coloring stage is where I read through a scene and I freeze the moment and look around the room that the characters are in.  I smell the sweat burning off the characters necks.  The taste of their dry mouth and maybe a throbbing head ache that won't go away.  I hear the contrast of the moment with the young kids playing outside the door and the intensity on this side of the door. 

I see everything that is in the room, some of it I'll end up describing some I better off not mentioning.  Sometimes I'll look for something in the room that brings up a memory for the character that is important to the character and the moment he is in now. 

Its the part in the book where the warrior comes in and sees the wilting rose that his dead lover gave him before she was killed by the enemy.  The curves of the pedals, the hopelessness of the bent stem.  Its describing the room and how "things" relate to the mood and the story.  Its the fun part.

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